Almond blossom

Almond trees

Since the arrival of February there has been a welcome improvement in the weather after a particularly cold spell in January that was the coldest in the time I have lived here. For five successive nights the temperature dropped below freezing and the daytime temperature never rose above 10ºc.

With high pressure centered over northern Africa the days are now fine and sunny, gradually getting warmer. Sunday was a pleasant spring like day with the temperature reaching a maximum of 17ºc.   And almost overnight the almond blossom has started to appear. When the almond trees are in blossom they are a sight to behold. Fields filled with blossom, ranging in colour from white, through pale pink to deep pink. The flowering period lasts only a week or two, then you have to wait a whole year before they put on such a fine display again. The almond is a native to the Mediterranean region of the and was spread by humans in ancient times along the shores of the Mediterranean into northern Africa and southern Europe and more recently transported to other parts of the world, notably California, United States. Spain is the world’s second largest producer of almonds after the USA.